Space Facts | Mind Blowing Facts About Space | The Fact Hub

There are many such things in space that are still being known by scientists. Our universe has been filled with so many unique things, today we will talk about 10 Mind-Blowing Facts About Space. Mind-blowing facts about space that you will probably don't know. 

Let's start,

01. Neutron stars can spin 600 times per second.

Neutron stars are the densest and tiniest stars in the known universe and although they only have a radius of about 10 km (6 mi), they may have a mass of a few times that of the sun. they can rotate at up to 60 times per second after they are born from a core-collapse supernova star explosion and have been known to spin as fast as 600-712 times per second because of their physics.

02. Mercury and Venus have no moons.

Mercury and Venus aren’t incapable of supporting moons, but their proximity to the sun is a significant factor in them not having any moons. While there isn’t a “magic distance” beyond which moons are possible, the closer a planet is to the sun (and the smaller planet is), the larger the sun’s influence will be relative to that planets.

03. Jupiter’s red spot is shrinking.

Jupiter’s famous red spot has been shrinking over the past few decades. This spot on the planet is a giant spinning storm that used to be able to fit about three piles of earth. Now, according to only one earth can fit inside the spot.
Interestingly enough, as the storm is shrinking in width, its actually growing taller in length. As of 1018, scientists are still stumped as to why this phenomenon is occurring in the first place, but some theorize that it may have to do with jet streams on Jupiter that have either changed direction or location.

04. The sun’s mass takes up 99.86% of the solar system.

Made of three-quarters hydrogen and helium for most of its remaining mass, the sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in our solar system with a mass of around 330,000 times that of Earth.

05. The largest known asteroid is 965 km (600 mi) wide.

Discovered by Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801, the dwarf planet Ceres was the first and largest object to be considered an asteroid. It is located in the Asteroid belt between the orbits of mars and Jupiter and accounts for 33% of the mass of the entire belt.

06. There is floating water in space.

Astronomers have found a massive water vapor cloud which holds 140 trillion times the mass of water in the Earth’s oceans somewhere around 10 billion light-years away – making it the largest discovery of water ever found.

07. In 3.75 billion years the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies will collide.

The Andromeda galaxy is approaching the Milky Way – where our solar system is – at a rate of around 110 kilometers per second (68 mi/s) and eventually, the two will collide from a giant elliptical galaxy.

08. HALLEY'S Comet would not orbit past Earth again until 2061.

Discovered in 1705 by Edmond Halley, the famous comet was last seen in 1986 and is only seen once every 75 to 76 years.

09. Our moon is moving away from earth at a rate of 1.6 inch (4cm) per year!

For the last few billion years, the moon’s gravity has been raising tides in earth’s oceans which the fast-spinning earth attempts to drag ahead of the sluggishly orbiting moon. The result is that the moon is being pushed away from earth by 1.6 inches (4cm) per year and our planet’s rotation is slowing.

10. There are more stars in space than the grains of sand on the earth.

There are 10 times more stars in the sky than grains of sand in the world’s deserts and beaches, scientists say. Astronomers have worked out that there are 70 thousand million or seven followed by 22 zeros stars visible from the earth through telescopes.

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